Sunday, October 7, 2012

Not the Rothko!

I can't fucking believe this:

and also, read this article and scroll down to read all the nonsense about "yellowism"

If I've learned anything today it's don't put off seeing paintings by your favorite artists at free galleries. See them all now before some asshole tags them up with a felt marker. 

What blows my mind is that people have time to tweet, "Yeah, I couldn't believe it, I saw the guy walk right up to the painting and do it," but they don't have time to wrestle the troll to the ground and break his goddamn fingers. I mean, it wasn't my favorite Rothko, but, it was a Rothko I've never seen and a Rothko I never will see. Grr. If only there was a way to describe what I'm feeling!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just a scribbler with too much ink in him.

With my first week in London nearly complete, I wanted to get the ball rolling on this blog. I don't do facebook and hopefully will continue to not do it. Though, dark have been my dreams of late. Many scenes from back home. Don't take that as my being homesick. Not yet.

Let's keep this simple. I've never done this before, so be gentle. There will be plenty to dislike coming, I promise. I'll leave you with a tune and a photo. My first photo, in fact, of my new home.  

J and I are seeing a short film tomorrow that apparently stars Lena Horne and this was the only song of hers I had in my iTunes, so read more into the weather part than the breakup part. More on films to come. The cinemas here are holy-shit awesome.

Get it? It's raining here!

Lastly, I want to give a shout-out to my dear buddy Gabe Poland. Congrats on making it to 30, big boy. I'd post Ice Cube's "Today was a Good Day", but I'm saving it for myself. Happy Birthday, pal.

Bookmark me! Kisses!